
Recipe: Watermelon and Lime

Don’t forget dessert! by Brian Ricci In all the heat of grilling and last minute adjustments and mixing, it’s nice to have a finished, refreshing dessert in your “back pocket.” This should be prepared 1 to 2 days in advance so you can take it off the prep list and move on. Just remember not

1 min read

Vegetarian buffalo wings: a hearty treat

A New Take on Cauliflower by Peggy Paul Casella Mark Twain once said, “Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.” Though it’s often upstaged by its flashier, green-hued cousin broccoli, cauliflower has many unique attributes and nutritional benefits that should earn it a place in your regular meal rotation all season long. It

1 min read

Farmstands overflow with the fall favorites

by Peggy Paul Casella Broccoli & Cauliflower Both members of the Brassica oleracea or flowering cabbage family, broccoli and cauliflower share many of the same attributes and nutritional properties. They are low in calories, high in vitamin C, good sources of folate, fiber and vitamin A, and they contain phytochemicals that can help protect eyesight

1 min read

Recipe: Humble and Hearty Vegetable Soup

by Dynise Balcavage, urbanvegan.net
Nothing is as comforting as being snowed in, puttering around the kitchen and making a huge pot of steaming soup. This filling soup uses pantry staples and humble vegetables. It’s a snap to make, nutritious and filling, and you can improvise, depending on what you have on hand. It also freezes well.

1 min read